Catchy C + C Music Factory songs aside, studies reveal several frightening business realities that should make you go hmmm.
Only 37% of employees have a clear understanding of what their organization is trying to achieve and why
70 – 80% of new products fail
66% of U.S. workers are disengaged (which is bad enough, but way better than 85% globally)
90% of startups fail
43% of managers cannot state their own department’s strategy
60% of sales people make quota
CEO’s median tenure is less than 5 years. (Average CMO and VP of Sales tenure is less than 2 years.)
Most will read these statistics and fall prey to cognitive bias that leads to dangerous thoughts like… “thank goodness that’s not me” or “we’re way better than that.”
Maybe so.
Unfortunately, there is no such things as an unbiased human. We’re only separated by awareness and degree.
All these shocking statistics relate to alignment problems to and amongst things within an organization – strategy, offerings, market, customers, goals, expectations, and more. There are ways to objectively assess alignment in your organization to avoid being another statistic yourself.
Need an unbiased… er…. less biased view?